
Alle publicaties zijn tweetalig, behalve het artikel uit 2019. Hier staat het Nederlandse postpartum-essay.

As from 2017, I am involved with ISPS by means of contributing to the ISPS conferences. This year, I decided to further elaborate on the intermezzo about my postpartum period. I will reframe my postpartum experience on the basis of New Phenomenology of Herman Schmitz. Gianni Francesetti, who connects this neophenomenology with Gestalt theory, has inspired me to find new concepts. Tonino Griffero, an atmospherologist, inspired me to put a large emphasis on olfactory perception (smell). Here you can find my abstract. I also wrote an essay to prepare myself for the conference. I intend to transform it into an article in due time.

About the intermezzo: I presented it at the webinar ‘Moeder op Drift’ (Mother Adrift) of the Stichting Psychiatrie en Filosofie and ISPS in 2021. In the intermezzo I give insight in how I related to the world in a special manner during the first two weeks of the postpartum period.

In 2019, I presented an article about the imporance of ’the will’ (drive, ambition, zest) in experiences related to psychosis.

At a ISPS conference in Liverpool in 2017, I presented this article. It is about how I have, from my own life story, come to see what psychosis is, and what would be the best way for professional healthcare, society, and people themselves to deal with psychosis. I showcase my postpartum period as an example of how we have put the lessons learned into practice.